(Recommend fonts, colors, graphics)
Limit your font choices to two or three for your entire site. We use Arial and Sans-Serif.
Bright, primary colors are highly uncomfortable to look at the whole time, this is very important to avoid. Pastel shades do not strain your eyes, and generally look more stylish anyway.
When choosing your color-scheme, pick one or two main colors.
Make sure there is a good contrast between your background and text colors.
You may get a little excited about the glitzy special effects achievable with things like Java Applets, JavaScript and Flash, but something you're going to have to realize is that readers are rarely impressed with a dazzling but difficult-to-use system.
Scrolling text and multiple gif animations are the hallmark of an amateur designer and they're terrible
Try not to use images to display text; it is much easier to edit text than to have to edit the image.
If you are linking to an outside site or .PDF file please open it in a new browser window.
Be willing to learn and improve. Color Scheme (Hex values)